Make a Difference on Giving Tuesday
We are on a mission to empower people to learn from, connect with, and give back to nature in order to help solve the most pressing challenges on this planet on behalf of all Life. We serve to help education, culture, and industry realize there are more elegant ways to solve challenges through the practice of biomimicry (nature-inspired innovation).
And we couldn’t do what we do without you. Here’s why:
“Tackling today’s issues can seem daunting, but biomimicry offers hope through nature’s wisdom. Through your donation, you help Ask Nature to provide free, open access content that makes the science of biological strategies understandable to learners of any age and any background so they can design more regenerative solutions. The potential impact is limitless.”
“One of my greatest joys is to shine a light on those doing incredible, groundbreaking work, but do not yet have the connections or bandwidth needed to grow. Our supporters make it possible for us to help advance nature-inspired startups with solutions to some HUGE environmental and social problems. Thank you for being a part of this journey!”
“One of our Youth Design Challenge students was raised by his grandparents after his own parents couldn’t raise him due to drug issues. He had grown up on a farm and now was living in a suburb, doing well in school but not feeling a true sense of purpose. During the course of the Challenge, he and his teammates got out into nature and spent hours on In the end, he led the team to what honestly could be considered a breakthrough solution for industry, if it were to ever be commercialized. The bigger breakthrough was seeing how the parts of his life were being connected, how nature was now back at the center of it and how he could be creating a solution that helped people. He said it was one of the most profound experiences he had had in school. The donations from our supporters make transformations like this happen.”
“Generous funding has allowed a (free of charge) Youth Design Challenge Educator Mentor program to be created and implemented. Now, students have access to biomimicry who may not have otherwise simply because their teachers needed additional support. The final impact of this program has potential to change the communities who are engaged.”
If we as a species are going to stand a chance at reversing the harmful effects of systemic environmental and social issues, we must create and advance more nature-inspired problem solvers than ever before.
If you donate to the Biomimicry Institute today, you will:
- Help to empower more students and educators to learn from and connect with nature in ways that address social and emotional learning.
- Help to reverse harmful industrial practices by accelerating the growth of more nature-inspired startups and entrepreneurs.
- Inspire and educate more people by increasing the number of biomimetic solutions on
Taken as a whole, you will make it possible for us to meet, and hopefully exceed, our goals. You’ll be helping to solve humanity’s biggest challenges with nature’s proven solutions. And you’ll get us all one step closer to securing a sustainable future for the next generation.
For every dollar you give today through the end of the year, the Kendeda Fund has generously offered to match your donation. Thank you for supporting our shared mission.